Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Have you walked into a shopping center with the promise of buying one thing, then coming out insteaard with everything else but that one thing. Or to swear to yourself that you'd wait till your contract runs out before upgrading to an iphone, and than made heaps of excuses for yourself??

SOmetimes people need food, water, love, a safe place, education, money, or shelter-
but, sometimes, people just need to go shopping.
So what is it that is so saitisfying about blowing 200 dollars, on something or don't even need? FACT Shopping centers are actually designed to confuse people.

But it's not that true happiness feeling that you get, when you come home with a new dress. It's a happywink. here's my challange for you brave people, go 3 weeks without buying anything execpt food.


Isn't it freaky to think that one day you will get old and wrinkly?? What will we do,
where will I be if I can't drive my own car? You know what's an even weirder thought, Imagine this: meeting yourself in the now from every year of your life! But I guess the older we are the wiser we get, so by then maybe I'll learn not to be afraid.
In the meantime, one thing I've learnt, never ask someone 'how old are you', insteard say 'how young are you?' ;D